Environmental Sustainability

This means that we manage our physical environment in a way that supports living within ecological limits, protects natural resources, and meets the needs of current communities without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Examples of ways you can d.o.t.

Easy: Turn the lights off when you leave the room.

Moderate: Commit to riding a bike or walking instead of driving two times per week.

Advanced: Plant an organic vegetable and/or herb garden annually

Environmental Sustainability Resources:


VA Sierra Club

Friends of the Rappahannock

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

Virginia Sustainable building network


Energy Action Coalition

Chesapeake Climate Action Network

EPA Sustainability

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

National Wildlife Federation

Net Impact


NY Times Blog

Strategy for Sustainability


Do One Green Thing: Saving the Earth Through Simple, Everyday Choices – Mindy Pennybacker

Design for Environmental Sustainability – Carlo Vezzoli

The Sustainability Handbook: The Complete Management Guide to Achieving Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability – William Blackburn