What is the d.o.t. campaign?
The Do One Thing campaign is designed to make the world a better place – socially, culturally, economically, and environmentally – by empowering individuals to take at least one action towards sustainability. The campaign stems from the idea that small steps can have big impacts. When an entire community commits to personal sustainability practices change is possible.
Watch our Video!
Why is UMW engaging in the d.o.t. campaign?
UMW is dedicated to sustainable practices that ensure our critical activities are socially just, economically viable, environmentally sound, and culturally founded – and that they continue to be so for future generations. The d.o.t. campaign can act as a vehicle for educational learning experiences, regional engagement, community service, and personal actions that help strengthen not only the UMW community, but the Fredericksburg area and, ultimately, the world.
How can you get involved?
Decide to d.o.t. and look for the banners on campus! Select one personal sustainability practice that combines your passion with your daily routine, then sign the appropriate banner. If you can’t think of an individual d.o.t. consider joining others who have committed to donate time or money to Rappahannock Group of the Sierra Club or Friends of the Rappahannock, participate in a president’s council on sustainability Action Goal, support a cultural event on campus, volunteer with COAR, or recycle.
Connect the d.o.t
After making your own individual pledge, think about how d.o.t effects other aspects of your life. What pledge can your club or organization make? What pledge can you academic department make? D.o.t does not stop at the individual. How sustainable can you be?!
How is UMW engaging in the d.o.t. campaign?
The President’s Council on Sustainability is collecting dots from the UMW community.
Our Goal – 2500 dots