September is Social Sustainability month!
Social sustainability is the idea that communities strive to promote social interaction and foster community investment while respecting social diversity. This September, UMW is promoting Social Sustainability through volunteering with the Community Outreach and Resources office (COAR). COAR has numerous opportunities to volunteer in the community through ongoing programs or one time campus events. Please check out their weekly programs on their website ( and consider volunteering for Into the Streets on September 29th.
What is Into the Streets?
Into the Streets is a one-time opportunity to get involved in your community! This year we have multiple projects to choose from. You can build tables with Habitat for Humanity, clean up the river with the Friends of the Rappahannock, or help register or direct participants as part of the Alzheimer’s Walk that is taking place on campus. Please contact for more information on how to register for Into the Streets. All projects will take place in the morning so you will still have the rest of your Saturday to enjoy. Also, all participants receive a COAR t-shirt for volunteering.